Cross-cultural study of abortion attitudes - data file
General population samples of individuals living in Mexico (N = 215), India (N = 215), the United States (N = 215), and the United Kingdom (N = 206) were recruited using Qualtrics Panels (incentivised at £4 per completion) in March 2022. Participants reported an average age of 41yrs (SD = 15.39), 45% were women and 54% were men (4 non-response and 1 identified as non-binary), most had at least some University-level education (18% started and 43% had completed a degree at University), were heterosexual (87%), married (52%), and had children (66%). Participants represented a range of political attitudes (13% conservative, 12% somewhat conservative, 27% moderate, 18% somewhat liberal, and 30% liberal). A total sample size of N = 851 was obtained, to ensure a sample of 200 per country after any participant attrition.