Brunel University London

Data Reading skills in mental illness_Public.rm5

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posted on 2020-11-04, 12:13 authored by Martina Vanova, John Luke Aldrige waddon, Ben JenningsBen Jennings, Ignazio Puzzo, Veena KumariVeena Kumari

The file contains data from all studies included in the meta-analysis of reading skills deficits in people with mental illness in the paper entitled “Reading Skills Deficits in People with Mental Illness: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis” to be published in the journal “European Psychiatry”.

The file can be opened using the RevMan programme which is freely accessible here: Under Data and analyses - data are grouped per reading skill (Phonological processing, Comprehension, Single-word reading, Rate, Speed, Accuracy, Fluency). Each diagnosis (e.g. schizophrenia, personality disorders) is a subgroup and can be found under appropriate reading skill category. Each subgroup (e.g. phonological processing - Schizophrenia) contains the mean scores, SD, and number of participants in the patient and corresponding healthy groups.

The methodology for the data collection is provided in the paper.
