Brunel University London

Data supporting 'Featural and holistic processing can be separably impaired in disorders of face recognition: Evidence for two subtypes of developmental prosopagnosia'

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posted on 2020-03-20, 09:16 authored by Rachel BennettsRachel Bennetts, Nicola J Gregory, Jeremy Tree, Michael J. Banissy, Ebony Murray, Amanda Adams, Tegan Penton, Sarah Bate
This dataset provides data for 138 participants: 47 with developmental prosopagnosia (DP); 91 control participants with no recorded face recognition deficits. Participants with DP are further classified into two groups based on the output of a cluster analysis carried out on the data (see underpinning publication for details)
For each participant, this dataset includes basic demographic details (age and gender), as well as scores on a battery of face processing tasks. This battery includes:
-Cambridge Face Memory Test (CFMT): raw scores (/72) for upright and inverted; inversion index
- Cambridge Face Perception Test (CFPT): raw and % correct scores for upright and inverted; inversion index
- Famous faces test: % correctly identified from total known identities
- Composite task: Accuracy (proportion correct) and reaction time (RT) for faces and dogs presented in aligned and misaligned conditions; alignment index for each stimulus type and measure
- Face matching: d' and RT for faces and houses, upright and inverted; inversion index for each stimulus type and measure
- Navon task: global bias index
- Jane task: d' and RT for faces with spacing and featural changes, upright and inverted; inversion index for each condition and measure

Details of tasks, conditions, and calculation of different indices are provided in the underpinning publication.


