Functional recovery in survivors of severe stroke dataset
The evidence on functional gains following rehabilitation in severe stroke survivors is unclear due to slow recovery and a perceived reduced potential to improve; this impacts on the provision of rehabilitation. There is limited research providing objective, temporal data on functional recovery after severe strokes.
Hence, cohort study was conducted( as a part of a doctoral study) using prospective observational design where changes in functional abilities were investigated in a group of severe stroke survivors (NIHSS score >10, MRS >4 at admission).Patient outcomes over the first six months post-stroke were longitudinally measured using standardized, validated tools and statistically analysed.
This data set presents the anonymous raw data collected during the study. Ethical approval was obtained from the East Central Research Ethics Committee (Reference No: 16/EE/0072) prior to the commencement of the study.
Participants gave their consent to archive and publish anonymised data.