Brunel University London

Microchip Manufacturing Plant Production Floor Optimization (MMPPFO) problem dataset

posted on 2020-09-23, 10:59 authored by Tatiana KalganovaTatiana Kalganova, Jonas Skackauskas

Optimization problem starts with initial wafer-lot production schedule and new die request. To solve the problem, wafer-lot schedule has to be altered to support all demand. Schedule can be altered by changing individual wafer-lot schedule in three major ways: pull-in, push-out, and offload. Pull-in wafer-lot means to produce the wafer-lot earlier. Push-out means to produce the wafer-lot later. Offload means to produce the wafer-lot in another fab. All wafer-lot schedule alterations must comply with existing constraints. Wafer production is a complex process in a microchip manufacturing plant. Each fab can produce limited quantity of wafers in selected time window. The time window is one Week. With known or predicted future die demand it is possible to create wafer-lot production schedule that maximizes the efficiency of fabs and supports all the requested demand. Moreover, it is desired to support this new demand while having the lowest number of changes to the schedule possible.

The dataset has been heuristically generated using the preservation of dynamics of real data.
