Brunel University London
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Multi-target attention and visual short-term memory capacity are closely linked in the intraparietal sulcus dataset

posted on 2018-11-26, 10:25 authored by Maren Prass, Bianca de HaanBianca de Haan

This OSF page contains the data underlying the Prass & de Haan study "Multi-target attention and visual short-term memory capacity are closely linked in the intraparietal sulcus".

  • Worksheet "demographic data" contains gender and age of each participant.
  • Worksheet "TMSIntensity_SideEffects" contains the TMS stimulator intensity (as % of max. output) used in each of the 4 TMS sessions, as well as whether any side effects were reported by participants.
  • Worksheet "normalised_MEP" contains the results obtained following cTBS to the motor cortex. This states, for each post-cTBS time interval, the average MEP normalised to the averaged pre-cTBS MEP. On the basis of this data, participants were classified as either responders (INH) or non-responders (NON-INH). This is the data that underlies Figure 4 in the manuscript.
  • Worksheet "WR_RawData" contains the raw data from the whole report task for each of the 3 cTBS locations. Data are presented both as percentage of letters accurately reported and number of letters accurately reported.
  • Worksheet "PR_RawData" contains the raw data from the partial report task for each of the 3 cTBS locations.
  • Worksheet "TVAParams_Iext" contains the TVA parameter estimates and the extinction index for each of the 3 cTBS locations. Rows under the headers "Data normalised to remove subject variability" present the data needed to calculate within-subject standard errors for each analysis. This is the data that underlies Figures 5-7.
  • Worksheet "TVA_ModelFit" contains the the TVA model fit estimates (coefficients of determination (r-squared)).

Important: To ensure transparency and traceability, the excel file contains formulas whenever cell-values were obtained from calculations on other cell-values.


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (HA 5839/4-1)
