Brunel University London

Open access data for the IEEE 13 bus system implementation in OpenDSS associated with the IEEE Access paper "Reactive Power Control of PV Inverters in Active Distribution Grids with High PV Penetration"

posted on 2023-07-26, 15:16 authored by Ioana PisicaIoana Pisica, Fathy Aboshady

Open data associated with the IEEE Access paper  

"Reactive Power Control of PV Inverters in Active Distribution Grids with High PV Penetration"

File   name                               Description

IEEE13_v1 OpenDSS  - model for the IEEE 13-bus feeder

IEEE13NewBusXY - XY   coordinates of the IEEE 13-bus feeder

LineCodes - OpenDSS   file with lines parameters used with the IEEE 13-bus feeder

Lines - OpenDSS   file with MV lines parameters used with the IEEE 13-bus feeder

LateralsLines - OpenDSS   file with laterals lines parameters used with the IEEE 13-bus feeder

LateralPVs2 - OpenDSS   file with PV systems parameters used with the IEEE 13-bus feeder

Regulator - OpenDSS   file with regulator parameters used with the IEEE 13-bus feeder

Transformers - OpenDSS   file with the main transformer parameters used with the IEEE 13-bus feeder

LateralsXFMR - OpenDSS   file with the laterals transformers parameters used with the IEEE 13-bus   feeder

SimpleRadial2014_Loaded - OpenDSS   model for the simple low voltage radial system 

PV_30kWs_10%kVA - OpenDSS   file with PV systems parameters used with the simple low voltage radial   system

SimpleRadial_BusXY - XY   coordinates of the simple low voltage radial system

IrradShapes-2min - Irradiance   profiles with 2 minutes resolution

LoadShapes-2min - Load   profiles with 2 minutes resolution


Newton Fund Institutional Links grant, ID 623801791

UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and TUBITAK grant ID 120N996 and delivered by the British Council


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