Brunel University London

The neuroanatomy of visual extinction following right hemisphere brain damage: Insights from multivariate and Bayesian lesion analyses in acute stroke

posted on 2024-02-12, 10:37 authored by Christoph Sperber, Daniel Wiesen, Hans-Otto Karnath, Bianca de HaanBianca de Haan

This OSF page contains the data underlying the Sperber et al. study "The neuroanatomy of visual extinction following right hemisphere brain damage: Insights from multivariate and Bayesian lesion analyses in acute stroke".

Materials include:

  • BLDI: Scripts & output for Bayesian lesion deficit inference. Separate maps for results with evidence for h1, for h0, and insufficient evidence for either hypothesis were binned as described in the paper
  • SVR_LSM: Results of the SVR-LSM analysis, including results of cross-validation for hyperparameter tuning, pseudo-beta maps and statistical maps
  • SVR_LSM_signif_cluster: maps of the clusters of significant results after FDR control of the SVR-LSM results
  • overlap_topography_n108.nii: Simple overlap topography of all 108 binary lesion masks
  • demographics.xlsx: Table with detailed demographics for all patients

Neuroimaging files (such as .nii or .img+.hdr files) can be viewed in MRIcron ( or MRIcroGL freeware (


This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (HA5839/4-1 to BdH; KA 1258/23-1 to HOK), and the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR/11601161 to DW).
