Brunel University London

Urban canyon wind speed calculator

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posted on 2019-12-17, 13:56 authored by Agnese Salvati, Massimo Palme, Giacomo Chiesa, Maria KolokotroniMaria Kolokotroni
The spreadsheet allows calculating the wind speed in urban canyons starting from the hourly values of the undisturbed wind speed and direction and a parametric description of the canyon geometry (i.e. ratio of the height to the width of the canyon ).

The spreadsheet was used to carry out the research reported in the manuscript "Built form, urban climate and building energy modelling: case-studies in Rome and Antofagasta", which was accepted for publication by the Journal of Building Performance simulation.

The spreadsheet can be used as long as the authors are correctly credited for the original creation of it, by citing both the corresponding publication and the present research item DOI.


