Brunel University London

FACS Framework STRESS Report.pdf

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posted on 2020-07-15, 10:14 authored by Imran Mahmood Qureshi Hashmi, Anastasia AnagnostouAnastasia Anagnostou, Simon TaylorSimon Taylor, David BellDavid Bell, Derek GroenDerek Groen
The recent Covid-19 outbreak has had a tremendous impact on the world, and many countries are struggling to help incoming patients and at the same time, rapidly enact new public health measures such as lock downs. We introduce the Flu and Corona virus Simulator (FACS), a simulation tool that models the viral spread at the sub-national level, incorporating geospatial data sources to extract buildings and residential areas within a predefined region. Using FACS, we can model Covid-19 spread at the local level, and provide estimates of the spread of infections and hospital arrivals for different scenarios. We present this STRESS (Strengthening the Reporting of Empirical Simulation Studies) report to describe the proposed agent-based simulation framework and to help improve the simulation reproducibility, and to capture relevant details of the COVID-19 simulation study and allow extend/reuse of our simulation.


This work was supported by the HiDALGO and VECMA projects, which has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 824115 and 800925
